Exports Contacts from Outlook

Exports Contacts from Outlook. Whether one is using Outlook on their desktop, Mac, or the web, they might want to export their contact list. This can come into use in different instances. In the following sections, we provide easy steps on how to do so. 

Exporting Contacts from Outlook

One can do so with the following steps:

  • Users can start by opening ‘Outlook‘ on ‘Windows’.
  • Once Outlook is opened one can visit the ‘People’ section.
  • Here one can right-click and choose ‘Pin’.
  • On the ‘Home’ tab one can choose Manage Contacts as an option.
  • After that users can opt to export contacts.

To know more about exporting contacts from Outlook Windows one can go here: Export contacts from Outlook for Windows – Microsoft Support.

Export from Outlook Web

To do so one can follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Users can start by logging into their Outlook account on the web.
  • One needs to click on the ‘File‘ tab and select the ‘Open and Export‘ option.

  • Then one needs to choose Export to a file.
  • One can select the comma separate values option and then click on Next.

To know more details one can follow this link: Export contacts from Outlook.com or Outlook on the web – Microsoft Support.

Users of Outlook on Mac need to find other ways to get their contacts list such as visiting Outlook.com. That is because there is no direct way to export a contacts list from Outlook on Mac. Once the contact list is exported one can import the same into other email services.

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