Nutrition and Food Sciences Database (NFSD) stands as a specialized internet repository, uniting an array of research, reviews, and news on nutrition and the food sciences within an easily accessible database. Encompassing the entire food chain, from raw ingredients to the physiological and health impacts of nutrients, NFSD delves into critical subjects such as public health, clinical nutrition, food safety, and technology.

Its scope spans general nutrition and diet, clinical nutrition, physiology, food processing, science and technology, food safety, and storage. NFSD is a valuable resource offering insights across diverse disciplines within the realms of nutrition and food sciences.

NFSD Login & Account Creation – Step-by-Step Guide

Here are step-by-step instructions, in bullet points, for creating and logging into an account on the Nutrition and Food Sciences Database (NFSD):

Account Creation

  1. Visit the NFSD website:
  2. Click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right of the site.
  3. Choose the account creation option:
  • If accessing via personal credentials, enter the username and password in the login box.
  • If accessing via IP address recognition (institutional access), log in through your institution’s network.

Logging In

  1. Access the NFSD website:
  2. Click on the ‘Login’ button at the top right of the site:
  3. Enter your credentials (username and password) in the login box.
  • If on an institutional network with IP address recognition, you may be logged in automatically.
  1. If not recognized, select ‘Login via your institution‘ on the login box.

Login with Email or Social Media

NFSD restricts access via email accounts (e.g., Gmail, Outlook) and social media platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram). Access is granted through personalized credentials or institutional IP recognition for authorized users.

  1. Accessing NFSD with Personal Credentials

If you’ve obtained access to NFSD through a username and password, enter these credentials into the login box located in the top right-hand corner of the NFSD webpage. This method is not for external users or those with temporary credentials. It is for those with personal usernames and passwords offered by the admin.

  1. Accessing NFSD by IP Address Recognition

If your institution has a subscription to NFSD, and you’re connecting through your institution’s network, the NFSD platform will automatically recognize your IP address as a registered user. Users on recognized IP addresses will be logged in seamlessly without manual entry of credentials. In case of non-recognition, an option is provided to manually log in via your institution by selecting ‘Login via your institution’ on the login box.

Account Password Recovery of NFSD

As for password recovery, users have to take the help of the admin and send an email. On the other hand, there is some automation in the process to ease things.

  • Visit the NFSD website.
  • Click ‘Login’ and locate the password recovery link.
  • For personal credentials, enter the registered email to receive a password reset link.
  • Institutional users should follow the institution’s password recovery process.
  • Security measures ensure email or institutional verification.
  • Upon verification, users can reset passwords and regain access to NFSD.

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